This is a site for my NCIS and M*A*S*H fanart, my two all-time favorite TV shows. I'm a huge fan of Tony and Gibbs
on NCIS and Hawkeye on M*A*S*H but I do art with other characters as well.
If you like anything in particular, feel free to use it on the internet but please credit to Aristotela or Sean'sGirl.
Stealing is not cool!
I do more art for my favorite characters so they have their own page. Go to Delicious DiNozzo, Gunny
Gibbs Goodness, Ziva's Zone and Best of Hawkeye for the scoop on my favorites.
All other character specific art as well as art with more than one character can be found in NCIS Evidence and M*A*S*H
it up!
The Pro-Girls' Collection is a special section in the NCIS department, a joint venture with my fabulous friend Probette.
Have a look there to see what we're all about!
My pick of the month. Some new art and some of my personal favorites. Enjoy!